One Biosecurity star ratings

One Biosecurity (1B) plans provide an assessment of how well your farm biosecurity practices rank against expected standards.

You receive a star rating when the farm biosecurity questionnaire is completed in your 1B producer profile. Answer all the questions in this questionnaire so it can accurately assess and record enterprise biosecurity practices.

The 1B star rating provides a measure of the biosecurity standard of a livestock enterprise based on actual practices.

The star rating received is determined by using industry standards and required legal obligations for farming livestock in South Australia

What the star ratings mean

1 and 2 star ratings

The practices recorded do not meet the minimum biosecurity standards or legal requirements.

3 stars and above

The practices recorded meet the minimum requirements for enterprise biosecurity as well as the legal requirements for farming with the given class of livestock. The more stars, the greater the number of practices used to mitigate common biosecurity challenges and risks.

How to achieve a higher star rating

It is normal for many enterprises not to achieve a 5-star biosecurity rating as this will be determined by the production system and by the levels of exposure to risk and the targeted selling market for the business.

The aim is not for all producers to achieve a 5-star rating, but to record their biosecurity practices and determine gaps or areas for improvement. You can work towards achieving or maintaining the most appropriate level of biosecurity for your individual enterprise and business model.

To achieve a higher star rating examine your business and determine key areas where you can lower the risk of introducing threats to your livestock enterprise. Adopt practices to help you reduce the risk.

You can contact your local animal health officer and discuss biosecurity practices. They can assist you by explaining the most appropriate biosecurity practices that can be adopted for your enterprise.


1 star

  • Current practices recorded for this enterprise don’t meet minimum industry biosecurity standards or don’t meet critical legal requirements for producers on South Australian farms.
  • Doesn’t allow 1B placard production or public promotion of rating.
  • Review the questionnaire and make sure you’ve answered all the questions.

2 stars

  • Legal requirements of producers are met, but recorded biosecurity practices still do not meet the minimum industry requirements.
  • Doesn’t allow 1B placard production or public promotion of rating.
  • Review the questionnaire and make sure you’ve answered all the questions.

3 stars

  • Current farm biosecurity practices meet the standards set for local, national, and international trade.
  • Comply with legal requirements, understand the fundamentals of biosecurity on farm and practise these on farm.
  • Allows 1B placard production and public promotion of your program rating.
  • Three stars is considered a good biosecurity standard for many commercial livestock producers in South Australia.

4 stars

  • Current farm biosecurity practices meet the standards set for local, national, and international trade.
  • Comply with legal requirements, understand the fundamentals of biosecurity on farm and practise these on farm.
  • Allows 1B placard production and public promotion of your program rating.
  • Four stars indicates additional risk mitigation practices are undertaken and the enterprise has a very good biosecurity standard.

5 stars

  • A 5-star rating is the top tier of the program.
  • Current farm biosecurity practices meet the standards set for local, national, and international trade.
  • Comply with legal requirements, understand the fundamentals of biosecurity on farm and practise these on farm.
  • Allows 1B placard production and public promotion of your program rating.
  • This property has highly effective biosecurity practices which are auditable.
  • Through demonstrating additional practices, this enterprise is declared a high performer in the 1B program.

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